This week in science we got new seats. When we walked in to class on Monday there were large chart paper with scientific words hung up all around the room. David and Angela went around passing out post its to us and our assignment was to write down on the post its what we think the words mean then stick them to the large chart paper in the proper word. Then on Wednesday we went out to Seward park to gather things such as soil leaves and other things. We wanted to make an ecosystem for our spirders to live in. We also took pictures of things we saw at the park and on Thursday we downloaded the pictures to the mac computers and we had to annotate and explain how did the image in the photo important in the ecosystems in Seward park. We also did back round research on the cellar spiders and drew on a blank paper ho our tank/ecosystem looks like.
I learned that if you put pebbles on the bottom of the spirders tank and soil on top it will provent the spiders feces from sticking to the bottom of the tank. Doing backround research we learned that cellars spiders are also called daddy long leg, they vibrate when they are being attacked so that you wont see them and cellar spiders cant bite humans because there fangs are to short. I also learned the definition of photosynthesis it is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
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